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Must Know Life Hacks.

Life hacks are designed to improve your life, and by definition, it is a system or procedure used to manage one’s time and daily activities more effectively.

The compiled list will have you wondering, “Where have these been my entire life?”
Because, yes, they are that good. These tricks of the trade will make your life so much easier, from cleaning your keyboard to applying eyeliner.

So, stop missing out on these brilliant ways to simplify things and start living your best life today!

Here are ten hacks you need to know

Keep your charger from breaking

Use a spring from an old pen to keep your charger from bending and breaking

Chill Wine With Frozen Grapes

If you want to chill your wine but don’t want to dilute the flavor, use frozen grapes instead of ice cubes.

Apply Eyeliner With A Spoon

Want to get the perfect eyeliner? Try placing a spoon at the top of your lid when applying next time.

Aloe Vera Ice Cubes

Aloe vera already soothes sunburned skin, but imagine how much better it would feel if it was also cold.
That right there is the ultimate relief!

Don’t start your day by answering emails. Start with your hardest tasks.

Most entrepreneurs follow this golden rule. When you begin your day by checking your inbox, you put yourself in a reactive mode.
You’re reacting to the day and other people’s requests, rather than setting out to do what you know you need to do first.

Instead, begin your day with a difficult task.
Work on the difficult tasks first, and leave the mind-numbing email tasks for lunch or later in the day.
But don’t squander your valuable morning hours responding to other people’s requests.

They have time to wait.

There you have it! Start applying these hacks and make your life easier.



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